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I - Geographic part


      The Municipality of Loges en Josas, department of Seine-et-Oise, arrondissement of Versailles, South Canton is located 6km from the SSE of Versailles. It is limited to the north and north-west by the Municipality of Buc, to the south by those of Toussus le Noble and Jouy-en-Josas, to the east and north-east by Jouy-en-Josas. The population of 385 inhabitants is spread over a territorial area of 248 hectares. Altitude around 100m. The clay soil on the upper part is peaty in the Bièvre valley. Dry climate. Located on the right bank of the Brièvre, part in the plateau part in the valley. The Municipality is crisscrossed by 17,800m of public roads, local roads, rural paths and recognized paths and served by the Grande Ceinture railway (Hall of Petit Jouy les Loges). The fauna and flora are those of the department and offer no particularity.

      Except the wood of Garenne belonging to the State, the territory is fragmented, used by large-scale cultivation: cereals and fodder crops for the maintenance of dairy cows. The animals of the bovine breed (100 cows on average) and of the horse breed (60 engaged in agricultural work) come from outside. Few poultry and little game. Pests include badgers, weasels, martens, crows and magpies. As reptiles, the common snake and the grass snake.

      The basement contains millstone for construction and concrete for roads. The industry is represented only by a few laundries. Trade, for the sale of milk, especially in Versailles, for an annual and average sum of 60,000f.





II - Historical sketch


      The Municipality of Loges en Josas does not have any historical monument. Its existence does not seem to be known until 1201. On this date, a charter of Eudes of Sully bishop of Paris, notes that Guy de Lévis gives, in his tenth of the Lodges, two muids of bled to the brothers of the Abbey of La Rock. Later one finds among the goods dependent on the Knights of St Jean de Lahan of Paris, the farm of the Hospital of the Lodges. Nothing remains of the old construction; the current farm is of recent construction. In 1675, the Châtellenie des Loges was incorporated into the duchy of Chevreuse, the king's moving stronghold. Around 1686, during the construction of the Buc aqueduct, an underground aqueduct was dug at Loges en Josas to collect the underground water from the plateau. The few remaining parts serve as cisterns. The church, without style, dates from the 17th century. The Town Hall, which also contains the School and the Post Office was purchased and fitted out for the Municipality in 1867. Given its small importance, the Municipality does not have any provident or charitable institution. The situation, on a plateau devoid of water, does not promise any commercial or industrial development. Since 1831 the population has only increased by 40 inhabitants. The war of 1870-1871, during the German occupation, from September 20, 1870 to February 5, 1871, caused the Commune, in requisitions, and looting of abandoned houses, losses estimated at 137,914 f.





III - Public education


The Municipality of Loges-en-Josas has a mixed school, originally installed on the Place de l'Eglise, in a room lit by a single window, on the ground of beaten clay; around 1838 the School was transferred to the Duprey house, comprising a classroom and a master bedroom. In 1867 the School was installed in the current premises, improved in 1894 for the construction of a courtyard and the enlargement of the playground. It still has old furniture (six-seater tables).


Teachers: The oldest Teacher: Lhomme Christophe appears on the municipal registers for the first time on January 10, 1816 (he was previously a state pensioner.)

Then come:

MM.  Caplain Louis 1834-1835

      Naze 1835 to 1836

      Christophe 1836 to 1838

      Perdreau 1838 to May 4, 1848

      Blondeau May 4, 1848 to October 23, 1860

      Salvé October 23 to December 21, 1860

      Seinwirth December 21, 1860 to October 25, 1862

      Bretonnet October 25, 1862 to November 25, 1863

      Lenoir November 25, 1863 to December 24, 1864

      Thillay December 24, 1864 to May 23, 1870

      Guibert May 23, 1870 to September 20, 1890

      Forester September 20, 1890 to April 10, 1893

      Mallondot of April 10, 1893


School population at various times: 1850, 27 students; 1858; 32, 1865, 36 students; 1873, 26 students, 1899, 36 students.

Until 1890 the Teacher was cantor, organist, clock maker.

Current state: the mixed school, with only one class, has an average of 40 pupils divided into 3 courses: preparatory, elementary and middle, obtaining the certificate of primary studies, elementary. The current classroom, well lit, is equipped with old equipment, lack of water. The Adult Course is followed regularly by young people (boys only) from the Municipality; the teaching is given there especially from the agricultural point of view. The fairly well-composed school library, in the process of prosperity, helps the work of the School.


Source: departmental archives, municipal monograph of Loges-en-Josas, 1899, document number: 1T / MONO 7 [22], Mathieu Thédié transcription

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